Wrapping up a trip of surprises - both cultural and personal - as I come to a very big realization about myself.
Short Stories
Personal Musings
Wrapping up a trip of surprises - both cultural and personal - as I come to a very big realization about myself.
Finally going to Colombia, and finding family on the edge of the Caribbean.
Myths and history, legends and fantasy castles, and all the kintsugi of paradise…
It was standing on the train platform, wondering whether we’d just missed our train into town, sweating into clothes I’d been wearing for almost 24 hours straight, that I realized five things simultaneously…
Because when you take 1400 photos, at least a few are good enough to post…
Or: Why That Esports Game You’re About To Spend 80 Million On Will Never Become A Mainstream Viewing Experience
(And how to make one that will…)
I’m what you’d call a late bloomer, and what I sometimes call an idiot who takes way too long to learn simple lessons…